Tuesday, February 24, 2009


What can fireworks do that photoshop can't do?

I've been playing on this new toy software and trying to get used to it. At first, I was so confusing why fireworks exist since photoshop can do pretty much everything. why distinguish web layer from layers? well, the more I spend time with it, the more I like it. It has a lot of unique function that photoshop and illustrator don't have. (instant type preview, instant gradient preview...etc)



Anonymous said...

Just came across your site from Cool Home Pages. Very nice Flash work!

Your animations aren't bad, but I think your print work is outstanding.

I've never really used Photoshop, so I've been a Fireworks-er from the start. I use it for image editing mostly and for web site layouts (I dabble).

I like your site and gave it a pretty good rating on CHP. All the best in your career!

Lynn Huang said...

Thank you!